Monday, January 25, 2010


We are here to tell you the news
Our studio is here, yeah!!!!
God has been really great with us, giving us the opportunity to work with something that we love!
We want to thank God for giving us the determination and the strength and to our customers and friends for all the support!

These are some shot of Brunna and Victor ( Priscila's son)

Julia Ann

Isn't she beautiful?!?
Is always a pleasure to have cute babies in our studio!
World this adorable lil baby is Julia Ann

Lucyana Da Silva

Hey everybody
wow what a great weekend!
Here's some shots of this gorgeous lady, she's so pretty in person and even more prettier on the photographs.
Some stunning shots for y'all!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Eliana & Waldeir

Eliana and Waldeir

Love is in the air !!
This day was fun, what a sweet couple..
You could feel the love between them, and that made our job so much easier.
We just love this time of the year ...


Priscila and Brunna